Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dancing in the Dark

Last night my friends and I went over to the Maui Arts & Cultural Center (aka the MACC) to check out this event called Art=Mixx, which was a "multi-sensory interactive event filled with art making, video displays, music, dancing, and performance art. The best part was that is was free! So after eating dinner the three of us (Jo, Alex, & I) rode over to the MACC. As we walked outside to the car I saw the stars in the sky. One thing I noticed was the position of Orion's Belt. Its positioning was so different in comparison to back in Boston. I was amazed at how different my perspective of the night sky was, and how vast that space is.
As we walked from the car over to the MACC we were greeted by pink, blue, and green palm trees glowing under the night sky. There was music, laughter, lights and so many people. We walked through the crowds in single file weaving and bobbing around the circles and cliques that had established themselves on the lawn. I quietly followed as Jo and Alex searched for their friends hidden among 2000+ people who had gathered. Can you say "Where's Waldo?" We eventually found our companions and enjoyed the sights and sounds the night had to offer. At one point i turned around and I was standing next to Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. I found that to be quite hilarious because he was wearing this silly hat that looked like a lion's head. We had an amazing time taking in the sights, sounds, and performances that took place throughout the night.
I'm so thankful to have such thoughtful friends who have shared their home and hearts with me. For having faith and providing me with space to take such a risk and explore. I guess that's why I've been thinking about space in different forms and how we use it. This morning I woke up to Jo & Alex making an easter breakfast that was off the charts! Jo made her chocolate chip / Walnut / Banana pancakes and Alex made some eggs and sausage! After that I hit up my family to say Happy Easter and I love them. It also seems that most of my post cards have started to reach their destinations, which is really exciting! I hope everyone enjoys them!

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